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A collaboration over too much coffee.
coffee and pen

01 August, 2004

Subscribe to our newsgroup

Anyone can join our news group (Click on the link, and then sign up). We use this newsgroup only to send important announcements. You should enter the address CaferatiUpdates AT googlegroups DOT com into your address book to prevent messages from being blocked by your spam filters.

We also have a Contests mailing list, which we use to announce contest that we run or collaborate with other entities to run. Just go to the URL and sign up. Anyone can join this group without being approved. You should enter the address Caferati-Contests AT googlegroups DOT com into your address book to prevent messages from being blocked by your spam filters.

Update (September 2006): Caferati Listings is a newsletter that informs subscribers about opportunities for writers: jobs, calls for entries to contests, calls for submissions from publishers, and so on. You can read more about it here.

You can be assured that we do not sell or share addresses on these groups with any other organisations or individuals.

[If you'd like to keep in touch with Caferati members in your city, join that city's newsgroup. Details on the sidebar, on our
Ryze board and on our website.]
